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Small Town Charm,
Small Town Care

Quality Care in the Heart of the Country.

Here at Rockwood Veterinary Clinic, we want to communicate with pet owners as part of a team with the pet’s care and well being as our primary goal. Owners need to be able to describe what they see at home, behaviours, and “symptoms” in order to help our veterinarians better understand your pet’s needs and medical condition. As veterinarians, we need to listen carefully and use the client’s observations and knowledge to provide the necessary care.

Trust is very important in this relationship. We want our clients to be comfortable with the recommendations that we make. Clients need to understand their options for care, diagnostics, and treatment, and then make an informed decision on how they wish to proceed.

Your primary contact at the clinic is with reception, doctors, and technicians, but we also have some fabulous staff behind the scenes that you may never meet!

Get to Know Us

Rockwood Veterinary Clinic

A highly trained and educated staff, dedicated to your pets and animals. That's what we're all about. For all our clients, new or old, we are here for you.